These are the various software packages available for download from Deepwoods Software. The three main open source packages each have their own category and all of the other odds and ends are in a catch-all odd and ends category.

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Date addedOctober 10, 2017
Downloaded463 times

This paper will explore what happens to the cost of operating a municipal broadband network when one moves from a single town network to a multi-town regional network. There seems to be some lack of real understanding about what happens to the cost of operating a municipal broadband network in the context of a regional network. It is my contention that for almost all of the unserved towns in Western Massachusetts, operating as single town networks is not really sustainable, at least not at an affordable price. Only one or two towns have any reasonable chance of operating as single town network in a sustainable way, but only at prices that are barely affordable.

Updated October 10, 2017: formatting improvements — added axises legends and formatted the MLP file as dollars and cents.