Deepwoods Software anounces the release of Version 2.1.44 of the Model Railroad System.
Tags: Acela, Azatrax, C, CentOS-6, CMR/I, CTI, deepwoods software, downloads, ftp, LCC, Lenz, linux, macos, model railroad, Model Railroad System, News, open source, OpenLCB, Raspberry Pi, tcl, Train Brain, Ubuntu, XPressNet
Deepwoods Software is pleased to announce the release of version 2.1.43 of the Model Railroad System. This package includes a collection of libraries and programs designed to help the modeler with many of the more tedius aspects of his or her hobby. Included are libraries for communication with Chubb and Lenz XPressNet networks, a user-mode driver for the Rail Driver control console, a library to parse XTrkCAD layout files, as well as utilities for computing dropping resistors, camera view areas, creating railroad time tables, and a switch-list based freight car forwarder system. There are several updates in this release:
Add async (event driven) step code to ADAFruitDC_AND_STEPPER.tcl
Minor update of build infrastructure: remove duplicate variable def in Scripts/LCC/ and restore toplevel build control files.
Add CrossingInterchange LCC Example
Bug in Dispatcher build: TclSocketCAN gets packed into the wrong place in the StarKit.
Add signal helper code and update signal XMLs.
Further refinements: removed the need for a MCP23017 for the Occupency detectors (there are enough GPIOs on the Pi).
Add Schematics for hats
Add wiring diagrams for SMCSenseHAT and QuadSignal HATs.
Add bitmap and PDF of layout.
Start work on LCC Example documentation.
Create Event Report for panel
Start on logic virtual node.
Add LCC Example code
Minor updates to LCC Example code
Working on LCC Example documentation.
Fix to work with MacOSX properly (/usr/bin/trus vs /bin/true for missing programs)
Build update: properly handle no having bison++ and not try to build Dispatcher is bison++ is not available.
Search for macOS provided Tcl macOS provides Tcl 8.5, but not in a Linux expected location, so include the path to the macOS provided Tcl 8.5.
Error handling with config memory writes tweaking (OpenMRN weirdness).
Updates to OpenLCB_Common.tcl: support separated Config code and non-notebooked config and add sample config generator.
Add portable (sysfs) GPIO support
Layout Control DB updates
Updated LCC / Dispatcher logic (Layout Control DB features)
Updates to OpenLCB, LCCNodeList: progress dialogs, layout control DB features properly integrated.
Add Make buttons for CDI editor.
Update XtrakCAD parser.
Minor fixes to Dispatcher code relating to xtrkcad files. (Still to fix: Layout Controls menu index issue.)
Fix view menu indexing issue (Layout Controls)
Add setAttribute method to ParseXML
Fix bugs in ConfigurationEditor export code (nasty!).
Add OpenLCB Router.
Fix minor bug in OpenLCB.tcl: responding to GlobalVerifyNodeID with a payload containing a different NID.
Add comments to OpenLCBTcpHub.tcl and Router.tcl.
Fix bugs in Router.tcl: extra space in OpenLCBTcp, handle “orphaned” messages (missing alias => NID mappings) — dropped for now.
Added -cnid option to Router.tcl, Router now has a NID and uses an AME message to populate its alias map on startup.
Catch messages addressed to the Router (CAN/GC side). Presently, nothing is done with them.
Add logging code to log messages addressed to the router.
Catch write errors (lost connections, etc.) in OpenLCBTcpHub.tcl
Normalize case for route and alias for all CAN/GC alias maps and route tables for Hubs and Router (just in case). Finish out full node implementation for Router.
Fix the startup order (GC/CAN has to be first) of the routes in Router.
Add Refresh method to LCCNodeTree and Refresh button to OpenLCB.
Add Refresh button to CTC Panel Node Lists
Handle proper message syncronization with alias reservation.
Minor bugfixes in Router.tcl (SocketCAN).
Update protocol strings
Handle missing CRLF at the end of CDIs
More information, including download links, is available at our web site:
Follow the Model Railroad System on Facebook at
Deepwoods Software is a software and system consultation company, specializing in Linux system installation and administration and contract programming in C/C++, Tcl/Tk, FORTRAN and LISP, in a Linux or UNIX environment. Deepwoods Software also sells low-cost, hassle-free web hosting, with personalized support. The staff of Deepwoods Software has over 20 years of experience in computer programming and over 10 years of Linux system administration. Follow Deepwoods Software on Facebook at
Deepwoods Software
51 Locke Hill Road
Wendell, MA 01379
Telephone: 978-544-6933 or 413-658-7953