Web Librarian WordPress Plugin Beta Public Relase

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Deepwoods Software proudly anounces the first public release of the Web Librarian WordPress Plugin (V2.0). This plugin implements a complete library collection management system suitable for a small private or even public library. It allows for the management of the library collection, management of library users (patrons), and provides a circulation system. All of this uses WordPress and can be used on either a public facing web server or in a intranet (in house or on campus) web server.

This initial public release has been tested in house, but the we would like interested parties to test it further and we welcome constructive feedback. Please let us know if there is missing functionallity or if things just don’t look right or if user interface features should be arranged differently, etc. Or even if there are problems with the documentation.

For complete details and a download link, visit the WebLibrarian page

Deepwoods Software is a software and system consultation company, specializing in Linux system installation and administration and contract programming in C/C++, Tcl/Tk, FORTRAN and LISP, in a Linux or UNIX environment. Deepwoods Software also sells low-cost, hassle-free web hosting, with personalized support. The staff of Deepwoods Software has over 20 years of experience in computer programming and over 10 years of Linux system administration. Follow Deepwoods Software on Facebook.