Web Presence Workshop

By RobertHeller. Filed in News 
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The How Tos of Setting Up a Web Presence For Your Business or Organization
Cheaply, Reliabably, Effectively

Tuesday, May 18 2010, 7:00pm – 8:00pm

This workshop will cover the basic things you need to do to get a website up for your business or organization. Topics covered include: What a website can do for you, what a domain name is and how to register it, how to intelligently shop for a web hosting service, and low-cost options for building a good looking and smoothly working website. The workshop will cover the step-by-step process of setting up a website for a small business or small organization. If you are interested getting your small business or small organization a web presence, this is a workshop you will want to attend.

Additional information, including downloadable materials are available at Web Presence Workshop. Information about other Deepwoods Software workshops is also available.